Showing posts with label Riddle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riddle. Show all posts

Horror Nights Dare Game: Select A Number From 1 To 30 If You Have Guts And A Dare Is Waiting For You

Here, you can get a best horror night dare game to scare someone Through Texting in chat. These dare questions are so horrific to get fear over text. Let play this horror night text dare in whatsapp message chats and facebook message chats. This horror night dare message make people scarier in Halloween day. 

Dare Question:
Horror nights dare game:  select a number from 1 to 30 if you have guts and a dare is waiting for you.
Reply fast.
1#   2#   3#   4#   5#   6#   7#   8#   9#   10#   11#   12#   13#  
14#   15#   16#   17#   18#   19#   20#   21#   22#   23#   24#  
25#   26#   27#   28#   29#   30#  
I am waiting for your reply.

Dare answer:
I appreciate your guts. Your dare questions for you have selected a number from one to thirty.
Answer me ……
1. Have you ever seen aliens? Describe
2. How would you like to die? Describe
3. If it was possible to take one thing along with you after death, what would it be? Why?
4. If you could spend the day with someone famous, alive or dead, who would it be?
5. If you died today, how would you be remembered?
6. What is your idea of hell/heaven?
7. When you die, would you rather be buried or cremated? Why?
8. If you were given an envelope with the time and date of your death inside, would you open it?
9. At What Age Would You Like To Die And Why?
10. Describe any horror incident in your life?
11. If you died today, what regrets would you have about your life?
12. Do you believe in ghosts and Why?
13. Do you believe in life after death and Why?
14. Would you like to spend a night in the forest?
15. Your best friend dies what would you do?
16. You're about to die, what do you have as your last meal?
17. Do you like Comfortable death in bed surrounded by family, doing something you love, or some other way?
18. If you knew that you'd die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are? If so, what?
19. Ever come close to death? Describe
20. Ever meet a ghost in the bathroom or anywhere? Describe
21. Have You Ever Had A Narrow Escape From Death? Describe
22. Describe the most horror dream you have ever had?
23. Have you ever had a near death experience? Describe
24. Have you ever seen a dead body in alone? Describe
25. Do you believe there are aliens out there? Describe
26. Have you considered the concept of life after death?
27. If you had to dispose of a dead body, how would you do it?
28. What are some things you would you like to achieve before you die?
29. What does it mean to die well?
30. What happens if you die in your dream?
Answer me…. Fast….

How to play?
1. Copy the dare message question Horror nights dare game:  select a number from 1 to 30 if you have guts and a dare is waiting for you. Reply fast.1#   2#   3#   4#   5#   6#   7#   8#   9#   10#   11#   12#   13#   14#   15#   16#   17#   18#   19#   20#   21#   22#   23#   24#   25#   26#   27#   28#   29#   30#   I am waiting for your reply.

2. Send horrors night dare question in your whatsapp, facebook or other social chat messengers and wait for a reply

3. When They Reply with A Number, then send horror night dare answer from 1 to 30

Hopefully, horror nights dare game can useful to expose your Halloween day wish in different way to your best friends and dare game may satisfy and flexible with your facebook and whatsapp chat. 

I Am a 5 Letter Word Puzzle

Here, you can get most famous “I am a 5 letter word” puzzles with answer, which are most famous riddles in whatsapp, Facebook and sending messages.

Puzzle: 1
I am 5 letter word If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you, If you remove my first letter I will die

I am 5 letter word,
If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you,
If you remove my first letter I will die,
if you remove my first 2 letters I will be sick.
Who am I
If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you …
puzzle’s answer is SKILL

Puzzle: 2
I am a 5 letter word If u remove my 1st letter I’ll be a country If u remove 2 letters I will be opposite

Solve this riddle
I am a 5 letter word
If u remove my 1st letter I’ll be a country
If u remove 2 letters I will be opposite of the word
If u remove 3 letters I will be a preposition
Find the word…. If u r a master mind
If u remove my 1st letter I’ll be a country If u remove 2 letters…. Puzzle’s answer is WOMAN
Remove the first letter and the country name you get is OMAN
Remove first two and it is MAN, opposite of woman
Remove first three and you get AN...Now AN is a preposition

Puzzle: 3
I'm a 5 letter word I am normally below you. If you remove my 1st letter, you'll find me above you

I'm a 5 letter word.
I am normally below you.
If you remove my 1st letter, you'll find me above you.
If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters, you can't see me.
What am I?
I am normally below you. If you remove my 1st letter… puzzle’s answer is CHAIR
CHAIR is normally below you
If you remove the first letter, HAIR is above you
If you remove first and second letter, you can’t see AIR

Puzzle: 4
I’m a 5-Letter-Word You Got Me At Home I Get Hot When I Function Replace My First 2 with

I’m a 5-Letter-Word
You Got Me At Home
I Get Hot When I Function
Replace My First 2 with a Dozenth,
And you’ll get an Emotion
My Anagram Is Needed To Triumph
What Am I?
You Got Me At Home I Get Hot When I Function Replace My First 2 with… puzzle’s answer is STOVE
Dozenth-12th letter is L (LOVE)
And the Anagram is VOTES

Puzzle: 5
It is a five letter word If u remove first two letters it will be a hobby... If u remove d first n d last letter it will be a part of body..

A riddle.....
It is a five letter word.-
If u remove first two letters it will be a hobby...-
If u remove the first and last letter it will be a part of body..-
If u remove the second last word it will be a form of energy..-
If u remove first two letters it will be a hobby... If u remove d first n… puzzle’s answer is HEART"
If u remove first two letters it will be "ART" which is a hobby
If u remove the first and the last letter it forms "EAR" which is a part of the body
And if u remove the second last letter it forms "HEAT" which is a form of energy

Puzzle: 6
I am a word of five letters! People eat me! If u remove my 1 letter i will be a form of energy! If u remove my first 2 letters i

I am a word of five letters!
People eat me!
If u remove my 1 letter i will be a form of energy!
If u remove my first 2 letters i will be needed 4 living.
If u remove my first 3 letters i will be a preposition.
If u remove my first 4 letters i will be a drink 4 u.
Answer if u r mastermind!
People eat me! If u remove my 1 letter i will be a form of energy… puzzle’s answer isWHEAT
If u remove my 1 letter i will be a form of energy: “HEAT”
If u remove my first 2 letters i will be needed 4 living: “EAT”
If u remove my first 3 letters i will be a preposition” “AT”
If u remove my first 4 letters i will be a drink 4 u: “T” (tea)
Hence the answer is “WHEAT”

Puzzle: 7
I am a 5 letter word, people eat me, if you remove my first letter - I’ll form a crime; if you remove the first two letters – I’m an animal
RIDDLE: I am a 5 letter word, people eat me,
if you remove my first letter - I’ll form a crime;
if you remove the first two letters – I’m an animal;
if you remove the first and last letters I’m a type of music.
What am I?
People eat me, if you remove my first letter - I’ll form a crime; if you remove… answer is GRAPE

Puzzle: 8
I am an English word with five letters. If you remove my last four letters I’m still pronounced

I am an English word with five letters.
If you remove my last four letters I’m still pronounced the same what am i?
If you remove my last four letters I’m still pronounced the same what am i … puzzle’s answer is QUEUE
Remove last four and you are left with Q which has the same sound as the queue.

Puzzle: 9
I am a five letter word. If u take away my first letter i will sound same
I am a five letter word.
If u take away my first letter i will sound same,
if u take away my last letter i will still sound same,
even if u take away my middle letter i will still sound the same.
Who am i?
If u take away my first letter i will sound same… puzzle’s answer is "empty"
After removing first letter it sound same that is mpty
If last letter is removed it sound same that is empt
Even if you take away its middle letter it will still sounds the same that is emty

Puzzle: 10
I Am a Word of Five Letters I Am A Value! I am a word of five letters!

Send this message to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I Am a Word of Five Letters! I Am A Value!
I am a word of five letters!
I am a value!
If u remove my 1st letter I am after cooked!
If u remove my first 2 letters I will become cold.
Answer if u r mastermind!

I Am A Value! I am a word of five letters… puzzle’s Answer is PRICE


Presence of Mind Test

Are you an intelligent? Are you looking for a wall update to test your presence of mind on your Facebook? Here, you can Facebook wall post that simply checks your presence of mind. It is containing some tricky question. Try to answer them. Surely most of the people may give wrong and corrects them with funny reactions. Update this as yours post and make an interesting fun on your Facebook.


Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK?

Let's find out just how clever you really are.

Ready? GO!!! (Scroll down)

First Question:

You are participating in a race. You overtake the second
person. What position are you in?


Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are
absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you
take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question.

To answer the second question, don't take as much time as
you took for the first question.

Second Question:

If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then
you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST

You're not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question:

Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.

Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add
30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000
Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer.

Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100.

Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is
definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question

Fourth Question:

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,
4. Nono.

What is the name of the fifth daughter?


Answer: Nunu?

NO! Of course not.

Her name is Mary. Read the question again

Okay, now the bonus round:

There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By
imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully
expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of
sunglasses, how should he express himself?

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.

Hopefully,Presence of Mind Test useful to you and may satisfy your wall posts and whatsapp messages. 

Solve This For All Masterminds: Solved Puzzle

Are you a mastermind? Test your brilliancy through solve these best puzzles. Answers are given below with the questions; here you can find best most famous riddles and puzzles with answer, puzzle message to forward and best puzzle status for Facebook. Send these puzzles on Whatsapp chats and update these puzzles on Facebook status then play an interesting adventure with your friends.

1# Guess me: I am a 11 letter word.
Solve this …
Guess me: I am a 11 letter word.
My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence.
7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim
1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance
10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize
2,9 letters are same
6,11 letters are same
Answer plzz..

My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence: “HOME”
7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim: “POOL”
1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance: “MILE”
10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize: “NOBEL”
2,9 letters are same: “O”
6,11 letters are same: “E”

2# I am not alive, but I grow
Solve this …
I am not alive, but I grow;
I don't have lungs, but I need air.
I don't have a mouth,
but water kills me.
Answer plzz..

Answer: FIRE

3# I am a girl
Solve this …
I am a 5 letter word
I am a girl, If you remove my last letter I become a boy,
If you remove my 1st & 2nd letter I become one in the Philippines,
If you remove my 4th & 5th letter I become a Chinese.
Answer plzz..

Answer: One in philippines is = ISA, then a chinese is = LUI a chinese name, then a girl is LUISA, the a boy is LUIS, my answer is LUISA

4# When Young, I Am Sweet In The Sun. What Am I?
Solve this …
When Young, I Am Sweet In The Sun. What Am I?
When young, I am sweet in the sun.
When middle-aged, I make you gay.
When old, I am valued more than ever.
What am I?
Answer plzz..

Answer: Wine

5# My 12, 4, 7, 2, 5 is an Eastern beast of burden
Solve this …
I am a word of 12 letters.
My 12, 4, 7, 2, 5 is an Eastern beast of burden.
My 1, 8, 10, 9 is a street made famous by Sinclair Lewis.
My 11, 3, 6 is past.
My whole is a person suffering from delusions of greatness.
So, who am I?
Answer plzz..

Answer: Camel, Main, ago; megalomaniac.

6# I am a 11 letter word
Solve this …
I am a 11 letter word
1,2,3,4 is a bank’s name
5,6,7 is a car’s name
8,9,10,11 is a mode of transport
What am I?
Answer plzz..

Citi - Name of Bank
Zen - Name of Car
Ship - Mode of Transport

7# Letters 6-5-2 spell out a drink.
Solve this …
I am a 6 letter word.
1) Letters 6-5-2 spell out a drink.
2) Letters 4-5-2-3 spell out a fruit.
3) Letters 1-2-6 spell out a pet.
4) Letters 3-2-6 spell out a pest, which often gets eaten by 1-2-6.
What am I?
Answer plzz..

Answer: Carpet
1) Tea
2) Pear
3) Cat
4) Rat

Hopefully, best whatsapp solved puzzle are useful to you and may satisfy your whatsapp chats and Facebook status updates.

26 Funny Idiotic Questions with Answer for Facebook Status and Whatsapp Chats

Are you searing funny idiotic question with answer for Facebook groups or funny idiotic question with answer for your chats? Here, you can get funny tricky questions for Facebook and idiotic message for Facebook, question status updates for Facebook and tricky status updates for groups, status and chats. Updates are most important in Facebook for getting a special attraction from other through likes, comments and shares. These status updates may useful to you.

1 Question:
What is in the middle of CHINA?

Answer:  The letter 'I'.

2 Question:
Which is the most shocking city in the world?
Answer:  electricity.

3 Question:
If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take hundred cats to kill hundred rats?
Answer:  three minutes.

4 Question:
Where was the first potato found?


Answer:  In the ground.

5 Question:
I m like a ribbon, tied by nature, across the sky, what m I?
Answer:  Rainbow.

6 Question:
What can fly but has no wings?
Answer:  Time.

7 Question:
What comes down but never goes up?
Answer:  rain.

8 Question:
Which is the hardest key to turn?
Answer:  Donkey.

9 Question:
what is the easiest way to get to heaven quickly?
Answer:  just stand in front of the fast moving car

10 Question:
Which is heavier a ton of gold or a ton of silver?
Both are equal. 1 ton = 1 ton

11 Question:
What r the largest ant in the world?
Answer:  Elephant.

12 Question:
How would u write nineteen that if one is taken out, then its remains twenty.
Answer:  XIX when one is taken out, its remains XX.

13 Question:
20 pigeons sat on the branches of a tree. A man shot 1 pigeon with his gun. How many were left on the tree?

Answer:  None. The rest flew away.

14 Question:
What was the President's name in 2000?

Answer:  The same as it is today.

15 Question:
why ur nose is not twelve inches long?
Answer:  Because then it would be a foot.

16 Question:
Where do fish keep their money?
Answer:  at the river bank.

17 Question:
which part of London in France?
Answer:  -N-

18 Question:
What do u calls an Arabian milkman?
Answer:  milk sheikh.

19 Question:
Which month has 28 days?

Answer:  All

20 Question:
There are 6 mangoes in a basket and 6 kids eagerly waiting to get one. Each kid is given 1 mango, yet there is one mango in the basket, how?

Answer:  The last kid gets the basket with the mango in it.

21 Question:
Why that country cricket team given cigarette lighter?
Answer:  because they lost all their matches.

22 Question:
Which fish lives in heaven?
Answer:  Angel fish.

23 Question:
Which sea has waves but no water?
Answer:  BBC.

24 Question:
The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks?

Answer:  The peahen lays eggs.

25 Question:
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?

Answer:  A river.

26 Question:
How many time can you subtract 10 from 50?

Answer:  Once. Next time you would be subtracting 10 from 40.

Hopefully,funny idiotic questions with answers for Facebook and whatsapp can useful to you and may satisfy your Facebook status, whatsapp chats and groups. 

I Am a Word: Riddle with Answer - Best 10

Test your brilliancy through solve these best 10 “I am a word” - letter. Answers are given below with the questions, here you can find best 10 most famous word riddles with answer such as I am a five letter word, I am a six letter word, I am a seven letter word, I am an eight letter word, I am a four letter word. Send these riddle on whatsapp chats and update these puzzle on Facebook status then play an interesting adventure with your friends.

1# Guess me: I am a 5 letter word

Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word
Solve this riddle:
Guess me: I am a 5 letter word.
If my 1st letter is removed I come above you.
If my 1st 2 letters are removed I am still around you.
I am basically used for your comfort.
What am I?

Answer: chair
Hair is above you
Air is around you
Chair is for your comfort

2# Guess me: I am a 6 letter word

Solve this riddle:
Guess me: I am a 6 letter word.
Letters 6-5-2 spell out a drink.
Letters 4-5-2-3 spell out a fruit.
Letters 1-2-6 spell out a pet.
Letters 3-2-6 spell out larger than mouse,
What am I?
Pass this to all your friends and find me

Answer: Carpet
Tea - a drink
Pear - a fruit
Cat - a pet
Rat – larger than mouse

3# Guess me: I am a 6 letter word

Solve this riddle:
Guess me: I’m a 6 letter word.
First 4 letters are in me.
2 and 6 are same letters.
1, 2, 6 means look.
4, 6, 2 means type of payment.
Who am l?
Forward this to all your friends

Answer: SELFIE
First 4 letters are in me - SELF
2 and six are same - E
1 2 6 - look - SEE
426 Type of payment - FEE

4# Guess me: I’m an 8 letter word

Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I’m an 8 letter word.
I’m someone you cannot avoid in your life.
3,5,6,7 someone unable to speak
1,5,6,7 someone attractive by means of smallness
4, 2, 6,6,7,8 someone who makes dishes out of clay
What am I?
Pass this to all your friends and find me


5# Guess me: I am a 7 letter English word

Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I am a 7 letter English word.
My first 2 letters indicate a boy.
The first 3 letters indicate a girl.
The first 4 letters indicate a main character in movie.
And the whole word indicates a girl!

Answer: Heroine

6# Guess me: I am 5 letter word

Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I am 5 letter word,
People eat me,
If you remove my 1st letter I will be an energy form,
If you remove my 1st two letters I will be needed for living,
If you remove my 1st three letters I will be near you,
If you remove my 1st four letters I will be a drink for you.
Who am I?

Answer: WHEAT

7# Guess me: I Am a Word of Five Letters

Send this message to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I Am a Word of Five Letters! I Am A Value!
I am a word of five letters!
I am a value!
If u remove my 1st letter I am after cooked!
If u remove my first 2 letters I will become cold.
Answer if u r mastermind!

Answer: PRICE

8# Guess me: I Am a 4 Letter Word.

Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word
Guess me: I Am a 4 Letter Word What Am I?
I am a 4 letter word.
I'm round like a tennis ball but not bouncy.
I've got a very old American footprint on me.
I am very cheesy.
What am I?

Answer: MOON

9# Guess me: I Am a six letter word

Guess me: I Am a six letter word...
My motto is together as one...
If you remove my 1st and 2nd letters, people will wear me...
If you remove my 3rd letter, am very painful...
If you remove my 2nd, 3rd n 6th letters, Adam and eve did it...
If you remove my 2nd n 3rd letters, people do it with their mouth...
Guess who am I?
Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word

Answer: STRING.
People wear RING
STING is painful
SIN is what Adam and Eve committed
SING is what people do with their mouth

10# Guess me: I am a word of five letters!

Guess me: I am a word of five letters!??
People eat me! I am available in 2 colors??
If u remove my 1 letter I will be a form of crime??
If u remove my first 2 letters I will be name of animal??
If u remove my first 4. Letters I am one of the vowels?
Send this riddle to all your friends and find the word

Answer: GRAPE

Hopefully, “I am a word” – letter riddle are useful to you and may satisfy your whatsapp chats and Facebook status updates.