26 Funny Idiotic Questions with Answer for Facebook Status and Whatsapp Chats

Are you searing funny idiotic question with answer for Facebook groups or funny idiotic question with answer for your chats? Here, you can get funny tricky questions for Facebook and idiotic message for Facebook, question status updates for Facebook and tricky status updates for groups, status and chats. Updates are most important in Facebook for getting a special attraction from other through likes, comments and shares. These status updates may useful to you.

1 Question:
What is in the middle of CHINA?

Answer:  The letter 'I'.

2 Question:
Which is the most shocking city in the world?
Answer:  electricity.

3 Question:
If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take hundred cats to kill hundred rats?
Answer:  three minutes.

4 Question:
Where was the first potato found?


Answer:  In the ground.

5 Question:
I m like a ribbon, tied by nature, across the sky, what m I?
Answer:  Rainbow.

6 Question:
What can fly but has no wings?
Answer:  Time.

7 Question:
What comes down but never goes up?
Answer:  rain.

8 Question:
Which is the hardest key to turn?
Answer:  Donkey.

9 Question:
what is the easiest way to get to heaven quickly?
Answer:  just stand in front of the fast moving car

10 Question:
Which is heavier a ton of gold or a ton of silver?
Both are equal. 1 ton = 1 ton

11 Question:
What r the largest ant in the world?
Answer:  Elephant.

12 Question:
How would u write nineteen that if one is taken out, then its remains twenty.
Answer:  XIX when one is taken out, its remains XX.

13 Question:
20 pigeons sat on the branches of a tree. A man shot 1 pigeon with his gun. How many were left on the tree?

Answer:  None. The rest flew away.

14 Question:
What was the President's name in 2000?

Answer:  The same as it is today.

15 Question:
why ur nose is not twelve inches long?
Answer:  Because then it would be a foot.

16 Question:
Where do fish keep their money?
Answer:  at the river bank.

17 Question:
which part of London in France?
Answer:  -N-

18 Question:
What do u calls an Arabian milkman?
Answer:  milk sheikh.

19 Question:
Which month has 28 days?

Answer:  All

20 Question:
There are 6 mangoes in a basket and 6 kids eagerly waiting to get one. Each kid is given 1 mango, yet there is one mango in the basket, how?

Answer:  The last kid gets the basket with the mango in it.

21 Question:
Why that country cricket team given cigarette lighter?
Answer:  because they lost all their matches.

22 Question:
Which fish lives in heaven?
Answer:  Angel fish.

23 Question:
Which sea has waves but no water?
Answer:  BBC.

24 Question:
The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks?

Answer:  The peahen lays eggs.

25 Question:
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?

Answer:  A river.

26 Question:
How many time can you subtract 10 from 50?

Answer:  Once. Next time you would be subtracting 10 from 40.

Hopefully,funny idiotic questions with answers for Facebook and whatsapp can useful to you and may satisfy your Facebook status, whatsapp chats and groups. 

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