Questions about Favorites: Best Questions To Ask Someone’s Favorites In Whatsapp, Facebook Text Message

Here, you can get a collection of best question to ask about someone’s Favorites through Texting in chat. These questions are so interesting to get their Favorites over text. Let everyone know the importance to know someone’s Favorites through questions. You can also ask these questions to your friends, boyfriend and girlfriend by updating whatsapp chat and whatsapp message. Ask the following question to your future partner to know his/her Favorites. Couples should share everything for happy life so they should know their individual Favorites. These questions will make your life as very smooth. Good question to ask people about Favorites is helpful to improve or to give improvement tips to your friends and well-wisher through whatsapp chat, whatsapp status, facebook status update, facebook chat and all other social messengers. Text message is most easiest way to make a good conversation to everyone in critical days. Know your friend’s Favorites in their life.

1. What is your favorite past-time?
2. What is your favorite quotation?
3. What is your favorite reality show?
4. What is your favorite time of the day?
5. What is your favorite word?
6. What is your least favorite word?
7. What is your favorite scent?
8. What is your favorite song of the moment?
9. What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
10. What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
11. What is your favorite sport and sports person?
12. What is your favorite store you like to go to?
13. Which is your favorite place in the world? Would you visit there again in your lifetime?
14. Which is your favorite song?
15. Which is your favorite tele-series? Any character that you think you resemble the most with?
16. What is your favorite restaurant in town and why?
17. Which is your most favorite place in this earth?
18. Who is your favorite character from history? Do you wish you would know him/her more closely?
19. Who is your favorite singer and why?
20. Who or which band do you like listening to, the most?
21. What is your Favorite Animal?
22. What is your favorite childhood memory?
23. What is your Favorite Drink?
24. What is your favorite feeling that you've ever experienced?
25. What is your favorite food puts you in a great mood?
26. What is your favorite food?
27. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
28. What is your favorite movie to watch over and over again?
29. Are you into reading? Which is your favorite book and who is your favorite author?
30. Do you have a favorite band?
31. Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.
32. Who is your favorite artist and why?
33. What is your favorite activity and why?
34. What is your favorite holiday and why?
35. What is your favorite color and why?
36. What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
37. What is your favorite crush word?
38. What is your favorite curse word?
39. What is your least favorite letter?
40. What is your favorite combination of colors?
41. What sound or noise do you love?
42. What was your favorite subject when you were in school and why?
43. Which is that one favorite place of yours that you have not visited until now? When do you plan to see it?
44. Which is your favorite Comic book character? What do you like about him/her?
45. Which is your favorite movie that you can watch over and over again?
46. What are your favorite restaurants in this city?
47. What are your Favorite things to do alone?
48. What is your all time favorite comedy movie?
49. What is your favorite movie?
50. What is your favorite music?
51. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
52. What is your favorite month or season?
53. What is your favorite book and why?
54. What is your favorite magazine and why?

Hopefully, Questions To Know Someone’s Favorites may satisfy and flexible with your facebook and whatsapp chat.

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